15 Fun Beaded Crafts

Most of these will take you less than an hour to complete and all of them are so much fun to make. Many of them are great for kids, too, and the projects range from wooden to plastic beads so there is something for you no matter what type of beads you may have on hand.

1. Beaded lizards

Sugar Bee Crafts

2. Tetris magnets

Moms and Crafters

3. BBQ bead sun catchers

Chica Circle 

4. Pony bead fish

It Happens in a Blink

5. Hungry Caterpillar

A Mummy Too!

6. Beaded linen twine bookmark

Happy Hour Projects.

7. Pearl bead and burlap napkin rings

Moms and Crafters

8. Perler bead buttons

Maker Mama.

9. Perler bead cup covers

Twin Dragonfly Designs

10. Perler bead bowls

Yesterday on Tuesday.

11. Cork magnets with bead features

Moms and Crafters 

12. Beaded garden spider

The Crafty Blog Stalker

13. Bead and pipe cleaner snakes

Kid Activities Blog 

14. Beaded wind chimes

Happy Hooligans

15. Turtle magnet with bead features

Moms and Crafters

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