1. Pebble placemat
Bliss Bloom
2. Spiralled rope placemat
City Farmhouse
3. Burlap and ribbon placemats
More With less Today
4. Sliced birch branch mats
5. Painted pinwheel placemats
The Crafted Life.
6. Fabric scrap quilted placemats
Little House Living
7. Colour block crocheted placemat
Little Monkeys Crochet.
8. Pom pom trimmed placemats
Rue Mag
9. Denim pocket placemats
Today’s Nest
10. Woven felt strips placemat
DIY Home Staging Tips
11. Tied fabric fringe placemats
12. Dyed bamboo stick placemat
13. Custom stencilled placemat
Cutting Edge Stencils
14. Rustic pine branch placemats
15. Coloured chalkboard placemats